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(72', 2002.)

The film treats the role of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art, from the appearance of the document titled The Memorandum to this day. It covers the period from the late eighties and the appearance of nationalism in the former Yugoslavia, until the Hague trials. The film represents an attempt to answer the following question: Did the academicians of Serbia, the intellectual elite of the nation, clear the way for nationalism and Slobodan Milosevic?


(57', 2003.)

The film was made as a co-production by ARHITEL and TV B 92, and the topic was the siege of Dubrovnik in 1992. The statements of the speakers and exclusive archive material complete the testimony about the bombing of a city that was declared part of the cultural heritage of UNESCO. The filming was done in Dubrovnik and Podgorica during the summer of 2003.


(32', 2003.)

The film treats the topic of inter-national marriages and their fates during the wars in the former Yugoslavia. People who were in inter-national marriages faced some difficult choices during that period – the choice between being loyal to their national identity or to their family. Some resisted the temptation, survived and strengthened their relationships, but some did not…


(54', 2004)

A documentary film about the Hague tribunal’s most famous indicated persons – Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. The authors of the film tried to answer the following questions: who “discovered” Karadzic and promoted Mladic, who supported them during the war, who is responsible for the birth of the myth about them in post-war Bosnia? Did they always obey the former president of Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic, and which of them did he favor? Why does a certain number of people call Karadic and Mladic national heroes and would it be in the interest of the people and Republika Srpska if they were to surrender themselves to the Hague Tribunal?

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